My first experience with fusible links happened while I driving home in my 1965 Barracuda on the QEW back in the late 1990s. I was driving along one evening at the speed limit with my headlights on and everything suddenly went dead. I coasted to the shoulder and, luckily, there was a house within a 10 minute walk where I was able to call CAA. [Be sure to periodically check your flashlight: I discovered how dark it can be after my lantern's flashing yellow lamp died when its 6V battery gave out within only a few minutes.]
After eventually getting towed home, I decided that I would not be in that position again. The fusible link that failed (my only fusible link) was 16 gauge wire between my 12 gauge wire from the battery and the bulkhead connector, which powers the fuse panel. The highest current flow is typically for battery charging and the following alternators were available in 1965 for Plymouths:
- 26 ± 3 amps (Standard AV1, With 170 or 225 CID engines)
- 34.5 ± 3 amps (Standard All Others)
- 39 ± 3 amps (Heavy Duty and/or Air Conditioning)
The charging circuit in the wiring harness should therefore be sized for 39 amps. The original fusible in my car looks similar to this replacement part.