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The Standard of Care includes non-pharmacological treatments such as  weight loss, analgesics, exercise, and physical therapy for the initial stages of OA and progresses to more invasive treatments such as injections and surgery.  Paul Mason suggests that a dietary intervention can also provide relief and possibly reversal.  He explains that an inflammatory state from metabolic dysfunction can cause inflammation in the synovial joint (including the fluid pocket around articular cartilage), leading to degradation in the cartiliage.  An important factor in cartiliage degeneration is Matrix Metallo-Proteinaise, which is produced in excess by non alcoholic fatty liver disease.  So weight loss has two benefits: reduced mechanical loading of weight-bearing joints and improved liver health.  Hypersinsulinemia has also been implicated in synovial dysfunction, which may be the underlying cause of age being a risk factor of osteoarthritis.

I've been monitoring my father's labwork for HbA1c, C-Reactive Protein, and eGFR.  I also try to get C-Peptide but the physician doesn't always include this test in the lab requisitions.  I try to get his labwork done every 3 months.

It appears that it is possible to prevent or at least mitigate the age-related osteoarthritis through diet and lifestyle