When I talk to people about my diabetes reversal journey and explain my ketogenic eating habits, they often tell me it's too hard and they can't do it. I tell them that it's easy but they think it takes a lot of discipline.
I'm not kidding or exaggerating about the lack of difficulty. The thing that might make it difficult is that it is a change from a person's routine and habits are hard to break. Focusing on the objective and not the process helps to make it easy.
If you find that you've gradually been gaining weight over the years and all your previous diets have failed, it might be time to try a ketogenic diet. Meta-analyses comparing low-carb diets to low-fat diets show a consistent pattern of better weight loss and improved metabolic markers. Low-carb tends to increase LDL-cholesterol but LDL-C alone appears to be poor marker of cardiovascular health. LDL-C is a good marker of lipid metabolism though.
As a previously overweight, Type 2 Diabetic, my objective is simply to become insulin sensitive. Chronic diseases (obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension, cancer, osteoarthritis, dementia, PCOS, BHP, ED, etc) are manifestations of insulin resistance and is often the result of poor diet and lifestyle. Insulin resistance is a result of the body becoming desensitized to increasingly higher levels of insulin over many years of abuse. The obvious solution is to maintain a low level of insulin through a better diet and lifestyle. Since the body produces insulin in response to carbohydrate consumption, a better diet for lower insulin levels is one that contains less carbohydrates and a very low carbohydrate diet is naturally ketogenic.
DISCLAIMER: My background is engineering and what I have written here is from my personal interest in staying healthy. If you disagree with any of it, let know what you feel is inaccurate and include some references so I can make corrections. This is a work in progress so check back often for updates as I continue to learn. CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE MAKING DIET AND LIFESTYLE CHANGES.